Nigeria’s business and creative hubs are coupled such that they depend on each other to thrive. Businesses demand the prowess of creative services ranging from writing, designs, photography, to mention but a few, creative, in turn get paid for the value/service provided. Creat Naija is an emerging brand looking fix that.
However, there seems to be some incoherent clamouring that this marriage is imbalance — suggesting creatives are highly underappreciated and undervalued. Fast-forward, welcome! Creat Naija, Africa’s 1st Creativity Record Label — poised to create healthy communities where business owners and creatives can thrive in an unhindered symbiotic environment.
Creat Naija aims to expose its creative workforce to a network of SMEs and large firms across the country. Regardless of every system that’s hindering the growth of businesses, by extension, the economy, Nigerian youths are beaming with energy in any sphere of the society you find them, and this energy accounts for the number of thriving businesses you see around you. To therefore help businesses in need of services connect with relevant service providers, Creat Naija is grooming, nurturing and developing a community of young, skillful and creative minds across the country who are primarily solution-driven individuals.
Creat Naija (Creat! Ng) is a creative outfit that assists brands by offering sustainable solutions for progressive placement and improvement. Our goal is to help clients solve business challenges by cross-fertilizing the fine blends of creativity, innovation, craft, strategy and technology. It operates like a creative label, yet stands out with its unique value proposition; training creatives and providing platforms for them to excel in a rather competitive 21st century.
The objective is simply to sell a pride of young, exceptionally talented, and refined creatives to the world. Hence, the tagline, Africa’s 1st Creativity Record Label. We offer a variant of cutting-edge services ranging from business branding, marketing and advertising to talent management, promotion and franchising, graphics, photography and videography coverage, content generation and development, recruitment and human resource, web development and analytics, digital marketing, to mention a few.
Our goal is primarily to;
- Foster interpersonal communications amongst brands to improve their operational efficiency.
- Improving positive lifestyle through creativity.
- Discovering, developing and managing talents and transforming them into stars.
- To create a conducive and sustainable working community for business brands and creatives.
- To become the most preferred clients’ choice for the quality service provisions.
- To expand our resource network beyond borders towards service to international communities.
Creat Naija is set to officially launch on Saturday, 6th of June, 2020 following several pre-launch activities. The company seeks to eliminate drawbacks in the digital sphere mainstream,collaborate with top corporations, governments and non-profits, and others towards creating and implementing practical ideas.
Creat Naija boasts of an army of campus ambassadors spread across over 24 campuses nationwide. CREAT!NG as an expression of the company’s name and essence has a resourceful web of professionals who are dedicated to providing ideal solutions to your business challenges. Africa 1st Creativity Record Label is set to create revolutionary madness and you are free to join us. Click Creat Naija to get started.
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Perfectly awesome!