The short film, featuring Ademola Adeleke (a blind creative) and veteran Nollywood actor, Femi Adebayo is a bittersweet narration of the typical everyday experiences of the blind man. His unsavoury encounters with normal people, discrimination and in some cases, neglect.
Creat! Naija as a premium tribe of young, vibrant, innovative disruptors aiming to change and impact the global culture through creativity, innovation and technology seeks revamp the creative industry into a role model for other industries when it comes to inclusivity and diversity, which is why we are very concerned about the inclusion of the disabled community.
Ademola Adeleke Delivering a Post Statement About the Movie
The disabled community has always been seen with a negative connotation.
We need to together, create an auspicious and enabling environment for persons with dis/special abilities for all they desire is the need to live.