Web 1.0 was an early stage of the conceptual evolution of the World Wide Web, which was focused on how the user could connect to the web through the user interface, and it came out around 1994.

Web 1, 2, and 3.

Web 2.0 came along around 2004 and mainly resided in the space of interactivity and collaboration through social media. It has already peaked and has been attached to many sectors such as Mobile 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, and Office 2.0.

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Through the evolution of smartphones and the ongoing improvement of technology, Web 3.0 offers more solutions for browsing and enables consumers to browse application data from anywhere in the world, giving them sole control over their data without the control of organizations and governments.

Benefits of Web 3.0

The long-term benefit of implementing a Web 3.0 strategy is improved intelligence and engagement with your customers

Web 3.0 is the most recent technology, which combines machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to enable real-time human communication. It hasn’t yet been deployed, so there is no solid definition, and it’s based on an idea rather than solid facts that can be studied.

One of the things it is birthing is the acceptance of cryptocurrency as a primary method of payment, and the metaverse is another.

The key effects of Web 3.0

  • Web 3.0 is open: its assets are created using open source software, by an open and accessible community of developers, creating a more trustworthy digital environment.
  • Decentralized: users have the option to engage openly and privately without the interference of an intermediate party, you are the one in control of your data, not organizations or the government.
  • It doesn’t need permission: it is permissionless, and it doesn’t need approval from a controlling and centralized organization. Everyone, including users and providers, has access to Web 3.0, which gives us all the space to stand on an equal level.
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So let us summarize the evolution of the Web through its various stages. The Internet has evolved from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

Web 1.0 was about web connectivity, which led to the birth of companies like AOL, Yahoo, and Google.

Web 2.0 was more about social networking, then came Facebook, LinkedIn, Zynga, and Twitter.


With Web 3.0, we are looking into the virtual worlds created through the Web, such as online virtual shopping malls, and online virtual tradeshows. Interaction with our devices will reach a new level of intelligence when Web 3.0 allows us to ask our phones where a nearby movie theater is and where to go afterward for dinner. Eventually, as our devices learn more about our preferences, we can simply ask “where should I go for dinner?” and we will get a response tailored to our interests, that’s the power of Web 3.0.

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